Appendix IV of First Footsteps in East Africa by Richard Burton.

This appendix describes the practice of female circumcision in the East Africa region.  Burton appears to have based his material on secondary sources, rather than on first-hand experience as some have supposed.  The Appendix was translated into Latin to placate the censors, but the publisher thought better and left it out entirely from all but a few copies of the book.  Spink & son (1976) estimated that no more than 6 of these were printed, presumably for Burton's personal use.  Appendix IV contains 4 pages, on two leaves, numbered as pages 593-6.  Most known copies with Appendix IV have only 1 leaf, that is two pages. 

The following page images of Appendix IV are provided courtesy of Jeff Moore, who owns an original of First Footsteps with one leaf of Appendix IV.