Richard F. Burton

The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night

When it was the Six Hundred and Forty-ninth Night,

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when King Gharib ended the battle and the two hosts drew apart and each had returned to his own tents, he sat down on the throne of his realm and the place of his reign, whilst his chief officers ranged themselves about him, and he said, “I am sore concerned for the flight of the cur Ajib and I know not whither he has gone. Except I overtake him and take my wreak of him, I shall die of despite.” Whereupon Sahim came forward and kissing the earth before him, said, “O King, I will go to the army of the Kafirs and find out what is come of the perfidious dog Ajib.” Quoth Gharib, “Go, and learn the truth anent the hog.” So Sahim disguised himself in the habit of the Infidels and became as he were of them; then, making for the enemy’s camp, he found them all asleep, drunken with war and battle, and none were on wake save only the guards. He passed on and presently came to the King’s pavilion where he found King Jaland asleep unattended; so he crept up and made him smell and sniff up levigated Bhang and he became as one dead. Then Sahim went out and took a male mule, and wrapping the King in the coverlet of his bed, laid him on its back; after which he threw a mat over him and led the beast to the Moslem camp. Now when he came to Gharib’s pavilion and would have entered, the guards knew him not and prevented him, saying, “Who art thou?’’ He laughed and uncovered his face, and they knew him and admitted him. When Gharib saw him he said, “What bearest there, O Sahim?”; and he replied, “O King, this is Jaland bin Karkar.” Then he uncovered him, and Gharib knew him and said,“Arouse him, O Sahim,” So he made him smell vinegar22 and frankincense; and he cast the Bhang from his nostrils and, opening his eyes, found himself among the Moslems; whereupon quoth he, “What is this foul dream?” and closing his eyelids again, would have slept; but Sahim dealt him a kick, saying, “Open thine eyes, O accursed!” So he opened them and asked, “Where am I?”; and Sahim answered, “Thou art in the presence of King Gharib bin Kundamir, King of Irak.” When Jaland heard this, he said, “O King, I am under thy protection! Know that I am not at fault, but that who led us forth to fight thee was thy brother, and the same cast enmity between us and then fled.” Quoth Gharib, “Knowest thou whither he is gone?”; and quoth Jaland, “No, by the light-giving sun, I know not whither.” Then Gharib bade lay him in bonds and set guards over him, whilst each captain returned to his own tent, and Jamrkan while wending said to his men, “O sons of my uncle, I purpose this night to do a deed wherewith I may whiten my face with King Gharib.” Quoth they, “Do as thou wilt, we hearken to thy commandment and obey it.” Quoth he, “Arm yourselves and, muffling your steps while I go with you, let us fare softly and disperse about the Infidels’ camp, so that the very ants shall not be ware of you; and, when you hear me cry ‘Allaho Akbar,’ do ye the like and cry out, saying, ‘God is Most Great!’ and hold back and make for the city-gate; and we seek aid from the Most High.” So the folk armed themselves cap-à-pie and waited till the noon of Night, when they dispersed about the enemy’s camp and tarried awhile when, lo and behold! Jamrkan smote shield with sword and shouted, “Allaho Akbar’” Thereupon they all cried out the like, till rang again valley and mountain, hills, sands and ruins. The Miscreants awoke in dismay and fell one upon other, and the sword went round amongst them; the Moslems drew back and made for the city-gates, where they slew the warders and entering, made themselves masters of the town with all that was therein of treasure and women. Thus it befel with Jamrkan; but as regards King Gharib, hearing the noise and clamour of “God is Most Great,” he mounted with his troops to the last man and sent on in advance Sahim who, when he came near the field of fight, saw that Jamrkan had fallen upon the Kafirs with the Banu Amir by night and made them drink the cup of death. So he returned and told all to his brother, who called down blessings on Jamrkan. And the Infidels ceased not to smite one another with the biting sword and expending their strength till the day rose and lighted up the land, when Gharib cried out to his men, “Charge, O ye noble, and do a deed to please the All-knowing King!” So the True Believers fell upon the idolaters and plied upon every false hypocritical breast the keen sword and the quivering spear. They sought to take refuge in the city; but Jamrkan came forth upon them with his kinsmen, who hemmed them in between two mountain-ranges, and slew an innumerable host of them, and the rest fled into the wastes and words.—And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

22 As has been seen, acids have ever been and are still administered as counter-inebriants, while hot spices and sweets greatly increase the effect of Bhang, opium, henbane, datura &c. The Persians have a most unpleasant form of treating men when dead-drunk with wine or spirits. They hang them up by the heels, as we used to do with the drowned, and stuff their mouths with human ordure which is sure to produce emesis.

When it was the Six Hundred and Fiftieth Night,

She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Moslem host charged upon the Miscreants they hewed them in pieces with the biting scymitar and the rest fled to the wastes and words; nor did the Moslems cease pursuing them with the sword, till they had scattered them abroad in the plains and stony places. Then they returned to Oman city, and King Gharib entered the palace of the King and, sitting down on the throne of his kingship, with his Grandees and Of ficers ranged right and left, sent for Jaland. They brought him in haste and Gharib ex pounded to him Al–Islam; but he rejected it; wherefore Gharib bade crucify him on the gate of the city, and they shot at him with shafts till he was like unto a porcupine. Then Gharib honourably robed Jamrkan and said to him, “Thou shalt be lord of this city arid ruler thereof with power to loose and to bind therein, for it was thou didst open it with thy sword and thy folk.” And Jamrkan kissed the King’s feet, thanked him and wished him abiding victory and glory and every blessing Morever Gharib opened Jaland’s treasuries and saw what was therein of coin, whereof he gave largesse to his captains and standard bearers and fighting-men, yea, even to the girls and children; and thus he lavished his gifts ten days long. After this, one night he dreamt a terrible dream and awoke, troubled and trembling. So he aroused his brother Sahim and said to him, “I saw in my vision that we were in a wide valley, when there pounced down on us two ravening birds of prey, never in my life saw I greater than they; their legs were like lances, and as they swooped we were in sore fear of them.” Replied Sahim, “O King, this be some great enemy; so stand on thy guard against him.” Gharib slept not the rest of the night and, when the day broke, he called for his courser and mounted. Quoth Sahim, “Whither goest thou, my brother?” and quoth Gharib, “I awoke heavy at heart; so I mean to ride abroad ten days and broaden my breast.” Said Sahim, “Take with thee a thousand braves;” but Gharib replied, “I will not go forth but with thee and only thee.” So the two brothers mounted and, seeking the dales and leasows, fared on from Wady to Wady and from meadow to meadow, till they came to a valley abounding in streams and sweet-smelling flowers and trees laden with all manner eatable fruits, two of each kind. Birds warbled on the branches their various strains; the mocking bird trilled out her sweet notes fain and the turtle filled with her voice the plain. There sang the nightingale, whose chant arouses the sleeper, and the merle with his note like the voice of man and the cushat and the ring-dove, whilst the parrot with its eloquent tongue answered the twain. The valley pleased them and they ate of its fruits and drank of its waters, after which they sat under the shadow of its trees till drowsiness overcame them and they slept, glory be to Him who sleepeth not! As they lay asleep, lo! two fierce Marids swooped down on them and, taking each one on his shoulders, towered with them high in air, till they were above the clouds. So Gharib and Sahim awoke and found themselves betwixt heaven and earth; whereupon they looked at those who bore them and saw that they were two Marids, the head of the one being as that of a dog and the head of the other as that of an ape23 with hair like horses’ tails and claws like lions’ claws, and both were big as great palm-trees. When they espied this case, they exclaimed,, “There is no Majesty and there is no Might save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great!” Now the cause of this was that a certain King of the Kings of the Jinn, hight Mura’ash, had a son called Sá‘ik, who loved a damsel of the Jinn, named Najmah;24 and the twain used to foregather in that Wady under the sem blance of two birds. Gharib and Sahim saw them thus and deeming them birds, shot at them with shafts but wounding only Sa’ik whose blood flowed. Najmah mourned over him; then, fearing lest the like calamity befal herself, snatched up her lover and flew with him to his father’s palace, where she cast him down at the gate. The warders bore him in and laid him before his sire who, seeing the pile sticking in his rib exclaimed, “Alas, my son! Who hath done with thee this thing, that I may lay waste his abiding-place and hurry on his destruction, though he were the greatest of the Kings of the Jann?” Thereupon Sa’ik opened his eyes and said, “O my father, none slew me save a mortal in the Valley of Springs.” Hardly had he made an end of these words, when his soul departed; whereupon his father buffeted his face, till the blood streamed from his mouth, and cried out to two Marids, saying, “Hie ye to the Valley of Springs and bring me all who are therein.” So they betook themselves to the Wady in question, where they found Gharib and Sahim asleep, and, snatching them up, carried them to King Mura’ash.25—And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

23 Compare the description of the elephant-faced Vetála (Kathá S.S. Fasc. xi. p. 388).

24 The lover’s name Sá‘ik= the Striker (with lightning); Najmah, the beloved= the star.

25 I have modified the last three lines of the Mac. Edit. which contain a repetition evidently introduced by the carelessness of the copyist.

When it was the Six Hundred and Fifty-first Night,

She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the two Marids, after snatching up Gharib and Sahim in their sleep, carried them to Mura’ash, king of the Jann, whom they saw seated on the throne of his kinship, as he were a huge mountain, with four heads on his body,26 the first that of a lion, the second that of an elephant, the third that of a panther, and the fourth that of a lynx. The Marids set them down before Mura’ash and said to him, “O King, these twain be they we found in the Valley of Springs.” Thereupon he looked at them with wrathful eyes and sparked and snorted and shot sparks from his nostrils, so that all who stood by feared him. Then said he, “O dogs of mankind, ye have slain my son and lighted fire in my liver.” Quoth Gharib, “Who is thy son, and who hath seen him?” Quoth Mura’ash “Were ye not in the Valley of Springs and did ye not see my son there, in the guise of a bird, and did ye not shoot at him with wooden bolts that he died?” Replied Gharib, “I know not who slew him; and, by the virtue of the Great God, the One, the Immemorial who knoweth things all, and of Abraham the Friend, we saw no bird, neither slew we bird or beast!” Now when Mura’ash heard Gharib swear by Allah and His greatness and by Abraham the Friend, he knew him for a Moslem (he himself being a worshipper of Fire, not of the All-powerful Sire), so he cried out to his folk, “Bring me my Goddess.27” Accordingly they brought a brazier of gold and, setting it before him, kindled therein fire and cast on drugs, whereupon there arose therefrom green and blue and yellow flames and the King and all who were present prostrated themselves before the brazier, whilst Gharib and Sahim ceased not to attest the Unity of Allah Almighty, to cry out “God is Most Great” and to bear witness to His Omnipotence. Presently, Mura’ash raised his head and, seeing the two Princes standing in lieu of falling down to worship, said to them, “O dogs, why do ye not prostrate yourselves?” Replied Gharib, “Out on you, O ye accursed! Prostration befitteth not man save to the Worshipful King, who bringeth forth all creatures into beingness from nothingness and maketh water to well from the barren rockwell, Him who inclineth heart of sire unto new-born scion and who may not be described as sitting or standing; the God of Noah and Salih and Hud and Abraham the Friend, Who created Heaven and Hell and trees and fruit as well,28 for He is Allah, the One, the All-powerful.” When Mura’ash heard this, his eyes sank into his head29 and he cried out to his guards, saying, “Pinion me these two dogs and sacrifice them to my Goddess.” So they bound them and were about to cast them into the fire when, behold, one of the crenelles of the palace parapet fell down upon the brazier and brake it and put out the fire, which became ashes flying in air. Then quoth Gharib, “God is Most Great! He giveth aid and victory and He forsaketh those who deny Him, worshipping Fire and not the Almighty King!” Presently quoth Mura’ash, “Thou art a sorcerer and hast bewitched my Goddess, so that this thing hath befallen her.” Gharib replied, “O madman, an the fire had soul or sense it would have warded off from self all that hurteth it.” When Mura’ash heard these words, he roared and bellowed and reviled the Fire, saying, “By my faith, I will not kill you save by the fire!” Then he bade cast them into gaol; and, calling an hundred Marids, made them bring much fuel and set fire thereto. So they brought great plenty of wood and made a huge blaze, which flamed up mightily till the morning, when Mura’ash mounted an elephant, bearing on its back a throne of gold dubbed with jewels, and the tribes of the Jinn gathered about him in their various kinds. Presently they brought in Gharib and Sahim who, seeing the flaming of the fire, sought help of the One, the All-conquering Creator of night and day, Him of All-might, whom no sight comprehendeth, but who comprehendeth all sights, for He is the Subtle, the All-knowing. And they ceased not humbly beseeching Him till, behold, a cloud arose from West to East and, pouring down showers of rain, like the swollen sea, quenched the fire. When the King saw this, he was affrighted, he and his troops, and entered the palace, where he turned to the Wazirs and Grandees and said to them, “How say ye of these two men?” They replied, “O King, had they not been in the right, this thing had not befallen the fire; wherefore we say that they be true men which speak sooth.” Rejoined Mura’ash, “Verily the Truth hath been displayed to me, ay, and the manifest way, and I am certified that the worship of the fire is false; for, were it goddess, it had warded off from itself the rain which quenched it and the stone which broke its brazier and beat it into ashes. Wherefore I believe in Him Who created the fire and the light and the shade and the heat. And ye, what say ye?” They answered, “O King, we also hear and follow and obey.” So the King called for Gharib and embraced him and kissed him between the eyes and then summoned Sahim; whereupon the bystanders all crowded to kiss their hands and heads.—And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

26 The Hindu Charvakas explain the Triad, Bramha, Vishnu and Shiva, by the sexual organs and upon Vishnu’s having four arms they gloss, “At the time of sexual intercourse, each man and woman has as many.” (Dabistan ii. 202.) This is the Eastern view of Rabelais’ “beast with two backs.”

27 Arab. “Rabbat-i,” my she Lord, fire (nár) being feminine.

28 The prose-rhyme is answerable for this galimatias.

29 A common phrase equivalent to our “started from his head.”

When it was the Six Hundred and Fifth-second Night,

She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Mura’ash and his men found salvation in the Saving Faith, Al- Islam, he called for Gharib and Sahim and kissed them between the eyes and so did all the Grandees who crowded to buss their hands and heads. Then Mura’ash sat down on the throne of his kingship and, seating Gharib on his right and Sahim on his left hand, said to them, “O mortals, what shall we say, that we may become Moslems?” Replied Gharib, “Say, ‘There is no god but the God, and Abraham is the Friend of God!’” So the King and his folk professed Al–Islam with heart and tongue, and Gharib abode with them awhile, teaching them the ritual of prayer. But presently he called to mind his people and sighed, whereupon quoth Mura’ash, “Verily, trouble is gone and joy and gladness are come.” Quoth Gharib, “O King, I have many foes and I fear for my folk from them.” Then he related to him his history with his brother Ajib from first to last, and the King of the Jinns said, “O King of men, I will send one who shall bring thee news of thy people, for I will not let thee go till I have had my fill of thy face.” Then he called two doughty Marids, by name Kaylaján and Kúraján, and after they had done him homage, he bade them repair to Al–Yaman and bring him news of Gharib’s army. They replied, “To hear is to obey,” and departed. Thus far concerning the brothers; but as regards the Moslems, they arose in the morning and led by their captains rode to King Gharib’s palace, to do their service to him; but the eunuchs told them that the King had mounted with his brother and had ridden forth at peep o’ day. So they made for the valleys and mountains and followed the track of the Princes, till they came to the Valley of Springs, where they found their arms cast down and their two gallant steeds grazing and said, “The King is missing from this place, by the glory of Abraham the Friend!” Then they mounted and sought in the valley and the mountains three days, but found no trace of them; whereupon they began the mourning ceremonies and, send ing for couriers, said to them, “Do ye disperse yourselves about the cities and sconces and castles, and seek ye news of our King.” “Harkening and obedience!” cried the couriers, who dispersed hither and thither each over one of the Seven Climes and sought everywhere for Gharib, but found no trace of him. Now when the tidings came to Ajib by his spies that his brother was lost and there was no news of the missing, he rejoiced and going in to King Ya’arub bin Kahtan, sought of him aid which he granted and gave him two hundred thousand Amalekites, wherewith he set out for Al–Yaman and sat down before the city of Oman. Jamrkan and Sa’adan sallied forth and offered him battle, and there were slain of the Moslems much folk, so the True Believers retired into the city and shut the gates and manned the walls. At this moment came up the two Marids Kaylajan and Kurajan and, seeing the Moslem beleaguered waited till nightfall, when they fell upon the miscreants and plied them with sharp swords of the swords of the Jinn, each twelve cubits long, if a man smote therewith a rock, verily he would cleave it in sunder. They charged the Idolaters, shouting, “Allaho Akbar! God is Most Great! He giveth aid and victory and forsaketh those who deny the Faith of Abraham the Friend!” and whilst they raged amongst the foes, fire issued from their mouths and nostrils, and they made great slaughter amongst them. Thereupon the Infidels ran out of their tents offering battle but, seeing these strange things, were confounded and their hair stood on end and their reason fled. So they snatched up their arms and fell one upon other, whilst the Marids shore off their heads, as a reaper eareth grain, crying, “God is Most Great! We are the lads of King Gharib, the friend of Mura’ash, King of the Jinn!” The sword ceased not to go round amongst them till the night was half spent, when the Misbelievers, imagining that the mountains were all Ifrits, loaded their tents and treasure and baggage upon camels and made off; and the first to fly was Ajib. — And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

When it was the Six Hundred and Fifty-third Night,

She resumed, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that the Misbelievers made off and the first to fly was Ajib. Thereupon the Moslems gathered together, marvelling at this that had betided the Infidels and fearing the tribesmen of the Jinn. But the Marids ceased not from pursuit, till they had driven them far away into the hills and words; and but fifty-thousand Rebels30 of two hundred thousand escaped with their lives and made for their own land, wounded and sore discomforted. Then the two Jinns returned and said to them, “O host of the Moslems, your lord King Gharib and his brother Sahim salute you; they are the guests of Mura’ash, King of the Jann, and will be with you anon “ When Gharib’s men heard that he was safe and well, they joyed with exceeding joy and said to the Marids, “Allah gladden you twain with good news, O noble spirits!” So Kurajan and Kaylajan returned to Mura’ash and Gharib; and acquainted them with that which had happened, whereat Gharib finding the two sitting together felt heart at ease and said, “Allah abundantly requite you!” Then quoth King Mura’ash, “O my brother, I am minded to show thee our country and the city of Japhet31 son of Noah (on whom be peace!)” Quoth Gharib, “O King, do what seemeth good to thee.” So he called for three noble steeds and mounting, he and Gharib and Sahim, set out with a thousand Marids, as they were a piece of a mountain cloven lengthwise. They fared on, solacing themselves with the sight of valleys and mountains, till they came to Jabarsá,32 the city of Japhet son of Noah (on whom be peace!) where the townsfolk all, great and small, came forth to meet King Mura’ash and brought them into the city in great state. Then Mura’ash went up to the palace of Japhet son of Noah and sat down on the throne of his kingship, which was of alabaster, ten stages high and latticed with wands of gold wherefrom hung all manner coloured silks. The people of the city stood before him and he said to them, “O seed of Yafis bin Nuh, what did your fathers and grandfathers worship?” They replied, “We found them worshipping Fire and followed their example, as thou well knowest.” “O folk,” rejoined Mura’ash, “we have been shown that the fire is but one of the creatures of Almighty Allah, Creator of all things; and when we knew this, we submitted ourselves to God, the One, the All-powerful, Maker of night and day and the sphere revolving alway, Whom compre hendeth no sight, but Who comprehendeth all sights, for He is the Subtle, the All-wise. So seek ye Salvation and ye shall be saved from the wrath of the Almighty One and from the fiery doom in the world to come.” And they embraced Al–Islam with heart and tongue. Then Mura’ash took Gharib by the hand and showed him the palace and its ordinance and all the marvels it contained, till they came to the armoury, wherein were the arms .of Japhet son of Noah. Here Gharib saw a sword hanging to a pin of gold and asked, “O King, whose is that?” Mura’ash answered, “ ’Tis the sword of Yafis bin Nuh, wherewith he was wont to do battle against men and Jinn. The sage Jardúm forged it and graved on its back names of might.33 It is named Al-Máhík the Annihilator for that it never descendeth upon a man, but it annihilateth him, nor upon a Jinni, but it crusheth him; and if one smote therewith a mountain ‘twould overthrow it.” When Gharib heard tell of the virtues of the sword, he said, “I desire to look on this blade;” and Mura’ash said, “Do as thou wilt.” So Gharib put out his hand, and, hending the sword, drew it from its sheath; whereupon it flashed and Death crept on its edge and glittered; and it was twelve spans long and three broad. Now Gharib wished to become owner of it, and King Mura’ash said, “An thou canst smite with it,take it.” “ ’Tis well,” Gharib replied, and took it up, and it was in his hand as a staff; wherefore all who were present, men and Jinn, marvelled and said, “Well done, O Prince of Knights!” Then said Mura’ash “Lay thy hand on this hoard for which the Kings of the earth sigh in vain, and mount, that I may show thee the city.” Then they took horse and rode forth the palace, with men and Jinns attending them on foot,—And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

30 Arab. “Máridúna”=rebels (against Allah and his orders).

31 Arab. Yáfis or Yáfat. He had eleven sons and was entitled Abú al-Turk because this one engendered the Turcomans as others did the Chinese, Scythians, Slaves (Saklab), Gog, Magog, and the Muscovites or Russians. According to the Moslems there was a rapid falling off in size amongst this family. Noah’s grave at Karak (the Ruin) a suburb of Zahlah, in La Brocquière’s “Valley of Noah, where the Ark was built,” is 104 ft. 10 in. Iong by 8 ft. 8 in. broad. (N.B.—It is a bit of the old aqueduct which Mr. Porter, the learned author of the “Giant Cities of Bashan,” quotes as a “traditional memorial of primeval giants”—talibus carduis pascuntur asini!). Nabi Ham measures only 9 ft. 6 in. between headstone and tombstone, being in fact about as long as his father was broad.

32 See Night dcliv., vol. vii, p. 43, infra.

33 According to Turcoman legends (evidently pose-Mohammedan) Noah gave his son, Japhet a stone inscribed with the Greatest Name, and it had the virtue of bringing on or driving off rain. The Moghuls long preserved the tradition and hence probably the sword.

When it was the Six Hundred and Fifty-fourth Night,

She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Gharib and King Mura’ash rode forth the palace of Japhet, with men and Jinns attending them on foot, they passed through the streets and thoroughfares of the town, by palaces and deserted mansions and gilded doorways, till they issued from the gates and entered gardens full of trees fruit-bearing and waters welling and birds speaking and celebrating the praises of Him to whom belong Majesty and Eternity; nor did they cease to solace themselves in the land till nightfall, when they returned to the palace of Japhet son of Noah and they brought them the table of food So they ate and Gharib turned to the King of the Jann and said to him, “O King, I would fain return to my folk and my force; for I know not their plight after me.” Replied Mura’ash, “By Allah, O my brother, I will not part with thee for a full month, till I have had my fill of thy sight.” Now Gharib could not say nay, so he abode with him in the city of Japhet, eating and drinking and making merry, till the month ended, when Mura’ash gave him great store of gems and precious ores, emeralds and balass-rubies, diamonds and other jewels, ingots of gold and silver and likewise ambergis and musk and brocaded silks and else of rarities and things of price. Moreover he clad him and Sahim in silken robes of honour gold inwoven and set on Gharib’s head a crown jewelled with pearls and diamonds of inestimable value. All these treasures he made up into even loads for him and, calling five hundred Marids, said to them, “Get ye ready to travel on the morrow, that we may bring King Gharib and Sahim back to their own country.” And they answered, “We hear and we obey.” So they passed the night in the city, purposing to depart on the morrow, but, next morning, as they were about to set forth behold, they espied a great host advancing upon the city, with horses neighing and kettle-drums beating and trumpets braying and riders filling the earth for they numbered threescore and ten thousand Marids, flying and diving, under a King called Barkan. Now this Barkan was lord of the City of Carnelian and the Castle of Gold and under his rule were five hill-strongholds, in each five hundred thousand Marids; and he and his tribe worshipped the Fire, not the Omnipotent Sire. He was a cousin of Mura’ash, the son of his father’s brother, and the cause of his coming was that there had been among the subjects of King Mura’ash a misbelieving Marid, who professed Al–Islam hypocritically, and he stole away from his people and made for the Valley of Carnelian, where he went in to King Barkan and, kissing the earth before him, wished him abiding glory and prosperity. Then he told him of Mura’ash being converted to Al–Islam, and Barkan said, “How came he to tear himself away from his faith34?’’ So the rebel told him what had passed and, when Barkan heard it, he snorted and sparked and railed at Sun and Moon and sparkling Fire, saying, “By the virtue of my faith, I will surely slay mine uncle’s son and his people and this mortal, nor will I leave one of them alive!” Then he cried out to the legions of the Jinn and choosing of them seventy-thousand Marids, set out and fared on till he came to Jabarsá35 the city of Japhet and encamped before its gates. When Mura’ash saw this, he despatched a Marid, saying, “Go to this host and learn all that it wanteth and return hither in haste.” So the messenger rushed away to Barkan’s camp, where the Marids flocked to meet him and said to him, “Who art thou?” Replied he, “An envoy from King Mura’ash;” whereupon they carried him in to Barkan, before whom he prostrated himself, saying, “O my lord, my master hath sent me to thee, to learn tidings of thee.” Quoth Barkan, “Return to thy lord and say to him, ‘This is thy cousin Barkan, who is come to salute thee.’”— And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

34 This expresses Moslem sentiment; the convert to Al-Islam being theoretically respected and practically despised. The Turks call him a “Burmá”=twister, a turncoat, and no one either trusts him or believes in his sincerity.

35 The name of the city first appears here: it is found also in the Bul. Edit., vol. ii. p. 132.

When it was the Six Hundred and Fifty-fifth Night,

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Marid-envoy of Mura’ash was borne before Barkan and said to him, “O my lord, my master hath sent me to thee to learn tidings of thee,” Barkan replied, “Return to thy lord and say to him, ‘This is thy cousin Barkan who is come to salute thee!’” So the messenger went back and told Mura’ash, who said to Gharib, “Sit thou on thy throne whilst I go and salute my cousin and return to thee.” Then he mounted and rode to the camp of his uncle’s son. Now this was a trick36 of Barkan, to bring Mura’ash out and seize upon him, and he said to his Marids, whom he had stationed about him, “When ye see me embrace him,37 lay hold of him and pinion him.” And they replied, “To hear is to obey.” So, when King Mura’ash came up and entered Barkan’s pavilion, the owner rose to him and threw his arms round his neck; whereat the Jann fell upon Mura’ash and pinioned him and chained him. Mura’ash looked at Barkan and said, “What manner of thing is this?” Quoth Barkan, “O dog of the Jann, wilt thou leave the faith of thy fathers and grandfathers and enter a faith thou knowest not?” Rejoined Mura’ash, “O son of my uncle, indeed I have found the faith of Abraham the Friend to be the True Faith and all other than it vain.” Asked Barkan, “And who told thee of this?”; and Mura’ash answered, “Gharib, King of Irak, whom I hold in the highest honour.” “By the right of the Fire and the Light and the Shade and the Heat,” cried Barkan, “I will assuredly slay both thee and him!” And he cast him into gaol. Now when Mura’ash’s henchman saw what had befallen his lord, he fled back to the city and told the King’s legionaries who cried out and mounted. Quoth Gharib, “What is the matter?” And they told him all that had passed, whereupon he cried out to Sahim, “Saddle me one of the chargers that King Mura’ash gave me.” Said Sahim, “O my brother, wilt thou do battle with the Jinn?” Gharib replied, “Yes, I will fight them with the sword of Japhet son of Noah, seeking help of the Lord of Abraham the Friend (on whom be the Peace!); for He is the Lord of all things and sole Creator!” So Sahim saddled him a sorrel horse of the horses of the Jinn, as he were a castle strong among castles, and he armed and mounting, rode out with the legions of the Jinn, hauberk’d cap-à-pie. Then Barkan and his host mounted also and the two hosts drew out in lines facing each other. The first to open the gate of war was Gharib, who crave his steed into the mid-field and bared the enchanted blade, whence issued a glittering light that dazzled the eyes of all the Jinn and struck terror to their hearts. Then he played38 with the sword till their wits were wildered, and cried out, saying, “Allaho Akbar! I am Gharib, King of Irak. There is no Faith save the Faith of Abraham the Friend!” Now when Barkan heard Gharib’s words, he said, “This is he who seduced my cousin from his religion; so, by the virtue of my faith, I will not sit down on my throne till I have decapitated this Gharib and suppressed his breath of life and forced my cousin and his people back to their belief: and whoso baulketh me, him will I destroy.” Then he mounted an elephant paper-white as he were a tower plastered with gypsum, and goaded him with a spike of steel which ran deep into his flesh, whereupon the elephant trumpeted and made for the battle-plain where cut and thrust obtain; and, when he drew near Gharib, he cried out to him, saying, “O dog of mankind, what made thee come into our land, to debauch my cousin and his folk and pervert them from one faith to other faith. Know that this day is the last of thy worldly days.” Gharib replied, ‘‘Avaunt,39 O vilest of the Jann!” Therewith Barkan drew a javelin and making it quiver40 in his hand, cast it at Gharib; but it missed him. So he hurled a second javelin at him; but Gharib caught it in mid air and after poising it launched it at the elephant. It smote him on the flank and came out on the other side, whereupon the beast fell to the earth dead and Barkan was thrown to the ground, like a great palm-tree. Before he could stir, Gharib smote him with the flat of Japhet’s blade on the nape of the neck, and he fell upon the earth in a fainting fit; whereupon the Marids swooped down on him and surrounding him pinioned his elbows. When Barkan’s people saw their king a prisoner, they drove at the others, seeking to rescue him, but Gharib and the Islamised Jinn fell upon them and gloriously done for Gharib! indeed that day he pleased the Lord who answereth prayer and slaked his vengeance with the talisman-sword! Whomsoever he smote, he clove him in sunder and before his soul could depart he became a heap of ashes in the fire; whilst the two hosts of the Jinn shot each other with flamy meteors till the battle-field was wrapped in smoke. And Gharib tourneyed right and left among the Kafirs who gave way before him, till he came to King Barkan’s pavilion, with Kaylajan and Kurajan on his either hand, and cried out to them, “Loose your lord!” So they unbound Mura’ash and broke his fetters and——And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

36 Arab. “ ‘Amala hílah,” a Syro–Egyptian vulgarism.

37 i.e. his cousin, but he will not use the word.

38 Arab. “La’ab,” meaning very serious use of the sword: we still preserve the old “sword-play.”

39 Arab. “ Ikhsa,” from a root meaning to drive away a dog.

40 Arab. “Hazza-hu,” the quivering motion given to the “Harbak” (a light throw-spear or javelin) before it leaves the hand.

When it was the Six Hundred and Fifty-sixth Night,

She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when King Gharib cried out to Kaylajan and Kurajan, saying, “Loose your lord!”, they unbound Mura’ash and broke his fetters, and he said to them, “Bring me my arms and my winged horse.” Now he had two flying steeds, one of which he had given to Gharib and the other he had kept for himself; and this he mounted after he had donned his battle harness. Then he and Gharib fell upon the enemy, flying through the air on their winged horses, and the true believing Jinn followed them, shouting “Allaho Akbar—God is Most Great!”—till plains and hills, valleys and mountains re-worded the cry. The Infidels fled before them and they returned, after having slain more than thirty thousand Marids and Satans, to the city of Japhet, where the two Kings sat down on their couches of estate and sought Barkan, but found him not; for after capturing him they were diverted from him by stress of battle, where an Ifrit of his servants made his way to him and loosing him, carried him to his folk, of whom he found part slain and the rest in full flight. So he flew up with the King high in air and sat him down in the City of Carnelian and Castle of Gold, where Barkan seated himself on the throne of his kingship. Presently, those of his people who had survived the affair came in to him and gave him joy of his safety; and he said, “O folk, where is safety? My army is slain and they took me prisoner and have rent in pieces mine honour among the tribes of the Jann.” Quoth they, “O King, ’tis ever thus that kings still afflict and are afflicted.” Quoth he, “There is no help but I take my wreak and wipe out my shame, else shall I be for ever disgraced among the tribes of the Jann.” Then he wrote letters to the Governors of his fortresses, who came to him right loyally and, when he reviewed them, he found three hundred and twenty-thousand fierce Marids and Satans, who said to him, “What is thy need?” And he replied, “Get ye ready to set out in three days’ time;” whereto they rejoined “Harkening and obedience!” On this wise it befel King Barkan; but as regards Mura’ash, when he discovered his prisoner’s escape, it was grievous to him and he said, “Had we set an hundred Marids to guard him, he had not fled; but whither shall he go from us?” Then said he to Gharib, “Know, O my brother, that Barkan is perfidious and will never rest from wreaking blood-revenge on us, but will assuredly assemble his legions and return to attack us; wherefore I am minded to forestall him and follow the trail of his defeat, whilst he is yet weakened thereby.” Replied Gharib, “This is the right rede and will best serve our need;” and Mura’ash, said, “Oh my brother, let the Marids bear thee back to thine own country and leave me to fight the battles of the Faith against the Infidels, that I may be lightened of my sin-load.” But Gharib rejoined “By the virtue of the Clement, the Bountiful, the Veiler, I will not go hence till I do to death all the misbelieving Jinn; and Allah hasten their souls to the fire and dwelling-place dire; and none shall be saved but those who worship Allah the One the Victorious! But do thou send Sahim back to the city of Oman, so haply he may be healed of his ailment.” For Sahim was sick. So Mura’ash cried to the Marids, saying, “Take ye up Sahim and these treasures and bear them to Oman city.” And after replying, “We hear and we obey,” they took them and made for the land of men. Then Mura’ash wrote letters to all his Governors and Captains of fortresses and they came to him with an hundred and sixty-thousand warriors. So they made them ready and departed for the City of Carnelian and the Castle of Gold, covering in one day a year’s journey and halted in a valley, where they encamped and passed the night. Next morning as they were about to set forth, behold, the vanguard of Barkan’s army appeared, whereupon the Jinn cried out and the two hosts met and fell each upon other in that valley. Then the engagement was dight and there befel a sore fight as though an earthquake shook the site and fair plight waxed foul plight. Earnest came and jest took flight, and parley ceased ‘twixt wight and wight,41 whilst long lives were cut short in a trice and the Unbelievers fell into disgrace and despite; for Gharib charged them, proclaiming the Unity of the Worshipful, the All-might and shore through necks and left heads rolling in the dust; nor did night betide before nigh seventy thousand of the Miscreants were slain, and of the Moslemised over ten thousand Marids had fallen Then the kettle-drums beat the retreat, and the two hosts drew apart,—And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased Baying her permitted say.

41 Here the translator must either order the sequence of the sentences or follow the rhyme.

When it was the Six Hundred and Fifty-seventh Night,

She resumed, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the two hosts drew apart, Gharib and Mura’ash returned to their tents, after wiping their weapons, and supper being set before them, they ate and gave each other joy of their safety, and the loss of their Marids being so small. As for Barkan, he returned to his tent, grieving for the slaughter of his champions, and said to his officers, “O folk, an we tarry here and do battle with them on this wise in three days’ time we shall be cut off to the last wight.” Quoth they, “And how shall we do, O King?” Quoth Barkan, “We will fall upon them under cover of night whilst they are deep in sleep, and not one of them shall be left to tell the tale. So take your arms and when I give the word of command, attack and fall on your enemies as one.” Now there was amongst them a Marid named Jandal whose heart inclined to Al–Islam; so, when he heard the Kafirs’ plot, he stole away from them and going in to King Mura’ash and King Gharib, told the twain what Barkan had devised; whereupon Mura’ash turned to Gharib and said to him, “O my brother, what shall we do?” Gharib replied, “To-night we will fall upon the Miscreants and chase them into the wilds and the words if it be the will of the Omnipotent King.” Then he summoned the Captains of the Jann and said to them, “Arm yourselves, you and yours; and, as soon as ’tis dark, steal out of your tents on foot, hundreds after hundreds, and lie in ambush among the mountains; and when ye see the enemy engaged among the tents, do ye fall upon them from all quarters. Hearten your hearts and rely on your Lord, and ye shall certainly conquer; and behold, I am with you!” So, as soon as it was dark Night, the Infidels attacked the camp, invoking aid of the fire and light; but when they came among the tents, the Moslems fell upon them, calling for help on the Lord of the Worlds and saying, “O Most Merciful of Mercifuls, O Creator of all createds!” till they left them like mown grass, cut down and dead. Nor did morning dawn before the most part of the unbelievers were species without souls and the rest made for the wastes and marshes, whilst Gharib and Mura’ash returned triumphant and victorious; and, making prize of the enemy’s baggage, they rested till the morrow, when they set out for the City of Carnelian and Castle of Gold. As for Barkan, when the battle had turned against him and most of his lieges were slain, he fled through the dark with the remnant of his power to his capital where he entered his palace and assembling his legionaries said to them, “O folk, whoso hath aught of price, let him take it and follow me to the Mountain Káf, to the Blue King, lord of the Pied Palace; for he it is who shall avenge us.” So they took their women and children and goods and made for the Caucasus mountain. Presently Mura’ash and Gharib arrived at the City of Carnelian and Castle of Gold to find the gates open and none left to give them news; whereupon they entered and Mura’ash led Gharib that he might show him the city, whose walls were builded of emeralds and its gates of red carnelian, with studs of silver, and the terrace-roofs of its houses and mansions reposed upon beams of lign aloes and sandle-wood. So they took their pleasure in its streets and alleys, till they came to the Palace of Gold and entering passed through seven vestibules, when they drew near to a building, whose walls were of royal balass rubies and its pavement of emerald and jacinth. The two Kings were astounded at the goodliness of the place and fared on from vestibule to vestibule, till they had passed through the seventh and happened upon the inner court of the palace wherein they saw four daises, each different from the others, and in the midst a jetting fount of red gold, compassed about with golden lions,42 from whose mouths issued water. These were things to daze man’s wit. The estrade at the upper end was hung and carpeted with brocaded silks of various colours and thereon stood two thrones of red gold, inlaid with pearls and jewels. So Mura’ash and Gharib sat down on Barkan’s thrones and held high state in the Palace of Gold.— And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

42 Possibly taken from the Lions’ Court in the Alhambra=(Dár) Al-hamrá, the Red House.

When it was the Six Hundred and Fifty-eighth Night,

She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Mura’ash and Gharib took seat on Barkan’s thrones and held high state. Then said Gharib to Mura’ash, “What thinkest thou to do?” And Mura’ash replied, “O King of mankind, have despatched an hundred horse to learn where Barkan is, that we may pursue him.” Then they abode three days in the palace, the scouting Marids returned with the news that Barkan had fled to the Mountain Kaf and craved protection of the Blue King who granted it; whereupon quoth Mura’ash to Gharib, “What sayest thou, O my brother?” and quoth Gharib, “Except we attack them they will attack us.” So they bade the host make ready for departure and after three days, they were about to set out with their troops, when the Marids, who had carried Sahim and the presents back to Oman, returned and kissed ground before Gharib. He questioned them of his people and they replied, “After the last affair, thy brother Ajib, leaving Ya’arub bin Kahtan, fled to the King of Hind and, submitting his case, sought his protection. The King granted his prayer and writing letters to all his governors, levied an army as it were the surging sea, having neither beginning nor end, wherewith he purposeth to invade Al–Irak and lay it waste.” When Gharib heard this, he said, “Perish the Misbelievers! Verily, Allah Almighty shall give the victory to Al–Islam and I will soon show them hew and foin.” Said Mura’ash, “O King of humans, by the virtue of the Mighty Name, I must needs go with thee to thy kingdom and destroy thy foes and bring thee to thy wish.” Gharib thanked him and they rested on this resolve till the morrow, when they set out, intending for Mount Caucasus and marched many days till they reached the City of Alabaster and the Pied Palace. Now this city was fashioned of alabaster and precious stones by Bárik bin Fáki’, father of the Jinn, and he also founded the Pied Palace, which was so named because edified with one brick of gold alternating with one of silver, nor was there builded aught like it in all the world. When they came within half a day’s journey of the city, they halted to take their rest, and Mura’ash sent out to reconnoitre a scout who returned and said, “O King, within the City of Alabaster are legions of the Jinn, for number as the leaves of the trees or as the drops of rain.” So Mura’ash said to Gharib, “How shall we do, O King of Mankind?” He replied, “O King, divide your men into four bodies and encompass with them the camp of the Infidels; then, in the middle of the Night, let them cry out, saying, ‘God is Most Great!’ and withdraw and watch what happeneth among the tribes of the Jinn.” So Mura’ash did as Gharib counselled and the troops waited till midNight, when they encircled the foe and shouted “Allaho Akbar! Ho for the Faith of Abraham the Friend, on whom be the Peace!” The Misbelievers at this cry awoke in affright and snatching up their arms, fell one upon other till the morning, when most part of them were dead bodies and but few remained. Then Gharib cried out to the True Believers, saying, “Up and at the remnant of the Kafirs! Behold I am with you, and Allah is your helper!” So the Moslems crave at the enemy and Gharib bared his magical blade Al–Mahik and fell upon the foe, lopping off noses and making heads wax hoary and whole ranks turn tail. At last be came up with Barkan and smote him and bereft him of life and he fell down, drenched in his blood. On like wise he did with the Blue King, and by undurn-hour not one of the Kafirs was left alive to tell the tale. Then Gharib and Mura’ash entered the Pied Palace and found its walls builded of alternate courses of gold and silver, with door-sills of crystal and keystones of greenest emerald. In its midst was a fountain adorned with bells and pendants and figures of birds and beasts spouting forth water, and thereby a daïs43 furnished with gold-brocaded silk, bordered or embroidered with jewels: and they found the treasures of the palace past count or description. Then they entered the women’s court, where they came upon a magnificent serraglio and Gharib saw, among the Blue King’s woman-folk a girl clad in a dress worth a thousand dinars, never had he beheld a goodlier. About her were an hundred slave-girls, upholding her train with golden hooks, and she was in their midst as the moon among stars. When he saw her, his reason was confounded and he said to one of the waiting-women, “Who may be yonder maid?” Quoth they, “This is the Blue King’s daughter, Star o’ Morn.”—And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

43 Arab. “Sházarwán” from Pers. Shadurwán, a palace, cornice, etc. That of the Meccan Ka’abah is a projection of about a foot broad in pent-house shape sloping downwards and two feet above the granite pavement: its only use appears in the large brass rings welded into it to hold down the covering. There are two breaks in it, one under the doorway and the other opposite Ishmael’s tomb; and pilgrims are directed during circuit to keep the whole body outside it.

When it was the Six Hundred and Fifty-ninth Night,

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Gharib asked the slave women saying, “Who may be yonder maid,” they replied, “This is Star o’ Morn, daughter to the Blue King.” Then Gharib turned to Mura’ash and said to him, “O King of the Jinn, I have a mind to take yonder damsel to wife.” Replied Mura’ash, “The palace and all that therein is, live stock and dead, are the prize of thy right hand; for, hadst thou not devised a stratagem to destroy the Blue King and Barkan, they had cut us off to the last one: wherefore the treasure is thy treasure and the folk thy thralls.” Gharib thanked him for his fair speech and going up to the girl, gazed steadfastly upon her and loved her with exceeding love, forgetting Fakhr Taj the Princess and even Mahdiyah. Now her mother was the Chinese King’s daughter whom the Blue King had carried off from her palace and perforce deflowered, and she conceived by him and bare this girl, whom he named Star o’ Morn, by reason of her beauty and loveliness; for she was the very Princess of the Fair. Her mother died when she was a babe of forty days, and the nurses and eunuchs reared her, till she reached the age of seventeen; but she hated her sire and rejoiced in his slaughter. So Gharib put his palm to hers44 and went in unto her that night and found her a virgin. Then he bade pull down the Pied Palace and divided the spoil with the true-believing Jinn, and there fell to his share one-and-twenty thousand bricks of gold and silver and money and treasure beyond speech and count. Then Mura’ash took Gharib and showed him the Mountain Kaf and all its marvels; after which they returned to Barkan’s fortress and dismantled it and shared the spoil thereof. Then they repaired to Mura’ash’s capital, where they tarried five days, when Gharib sought to revisit his native country and Mura’ash said, “O King of mankind, I will ride at thy stirrup and bring thee to thine own land.” Replied Gharib, “No, by the virtue of Abraham the Friend, I will not suffer thee to weary thyself thus, nor will I take any of the Jinn save Kaylajan and Kurajan.” Quoth the King, “Take with thee ten thousand horsemen of the Jinn, to serve thee;” but quoth Gharib, “I will take only as I said to thee.” So Mura’ash bade a thousand Marids carry him to his native land, with his share of the spoil; and he commanded Kaylajan and Kurajan to follow him and obey him; and they answered, “Hearkening and obedience.” Then said Gharib to the Marids, “Do ye carry the treasure and Star o’ Morn;” for he himself thought to ride his flying steed. But Mura’ash said to him, “This horse, O my brother, will live only in our region, and, if it come upon man’s earth, ‘twill die: but I have in my stables a sea-horse, whose fellow is not found in Al–Irak, no, nor in all the world is its like.” So he caused bring forth the horse, and when Gharib saw it, it interposed between him and his wits.45 Then they bound it and Kaylajan bore it on his shoulders and Kurajan took what he could carry. And Mura’ash embraced Gharib and wept for parting from him, saying, “O my brother, if aught befal thee wherein thou art powerless, send for me and I will come to thine aid with an army able to lay waste the whole earth and what is thereon.” Gharib thanked him for his kindness and zeal for the True Faith and took leave of him; whereupon the Marids set out with Gharib and his goods; and, after traversing fifty years’ journey in two days and a Night, alighted near the city of Oman and halted to take rest. Then Gharib sent out Kaylajan, to learn news of his people, and he returned and said, “O King, the city is beleaguered by a host of Infidels, as they were the surging sea, and thy people are fighting them. The drums beat to battle and Jamrkan goeth forth as champion in the field.” When Gharib heard this, he cried aloud, “God is Most Great!” and said to Kaylajan, “Saddle me the steed and bring me my arms and spear; for to-day the valiant shall be known from the coward in the place of war and battle-stead.” So Kaylajan brought him all he sought and Gharib armed and belting in baldrick Al–Mahik, mounted the sea horse and made toward the hosts. Quoth Kaylajan and Kurajan to him, Set thy heart at rest and let us go to the Kafirs and scatter them abroad in the wastes and wilds till, by the help of Allah, the All-powerful, we leave not a soul alive, no, not a blower of the fire.” But Gharib said “By the virtue of Abraham the [Friend, I will not let you fight them without me and behold, I mount!” Now the cause of the coming of that great host was right mar vellous.46—And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

44 The “Musáfahah” before noticed, vol. vi., p. 287.

45 i.e. He was confounded at its beauty.

46 Arab. “‘Ajíb,” punning upon the name.

When it was the Six Hundred and Sixtieth Night,

She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Gharib had bidden Kaylajan go and learn news of his people, the Jinn fared forth and presently returning said, “Verily around thy city is a mighty host!” Now the cause of its coming was that Ajib, having fled the field after Ya’arub’s army had been put to the rout, said to his people, “O folk, if we return to Ya’arub bin Kahtan, he will say to us, ‘But for you, my son and my people had not been slain; and he will put us to death, even to the last man.’ Wherefore, methinks we were better go to Tarkanán, King of Hind, and beseech him to avenge us.” Replied they, “Come, let us go thither; and the blessing of the Fire be upon thee!” So they fared days and nights till they reached King Tarkanan’s capital city and, after asking and obtaining permission to present himself, Ajib went in to him and kissed ground before him. Then he wished him what men use to wish to monarchy and said to him, “O King, protect me, so may protect thee the sparkling Fire and the Night with its thick darkness!” Tarkanan looked at Ajib and asked, “Who art thou and what dost thou want?”; to which the other answered, “I am Ajib King of Al–Irak; my brother hath wronged me and gotten the mastery of the land and the subjects have submitted themselves to him. Moreover, he hath embraced the faith of Al–Islam and he ceaseth not to chase me from country to country; and behold, I am come to seek protection of thee and thy power.” When Tarkanan heard Ajib’s words, he rose and sat down and cried, “By the virtue of the Fire, I will assuredly avenge thee and will let none serve other than my goddess the Fire!” And he called aloud to his son, saying, “O my son, make ready to go to Al–Irak and lay it waste and bind all who serve aught but the Fire and torment them and make example of them; yet slay them not, but bring them to me, that I may ply them with various tortures and make them taste the bitterness of humiliation and leave them a warning to whoso will be warned in this our while.” Then he chose out to accompany him eighty-thousand fighting-men on horseback and the like number on giraffes,47 besides ten thousand elephants, bearing on their backs seats48 of sandal-wood, latticed with golden rods, plated and studded with gold and silver and shielded with pavoises of gold and emerald; moreover he sent good store of war-chariots, in each eight men fighting with all kinds of weapons. Now the Prince’s name was Ra’ad Sháh,49 and he was the cham pion of his time, for prowess having no peer. So he and his army equipped them in ten days’ time, then set out, as they were a bank of clouds, and fared on two months’ journey, till they came upon Oman city and encompassed it, to the joy of Ajib, who thought himself assured of victory. Jamrkan and Sa’adan and all their fighting-men sallied forth into the field of fight whilst the kettle-drums beat to battle and the horses neighed. At this moment up came King Gharib, who, as we have said, had been warned by Kaylajan; and he urged on his destrier and entered among the Infidels waiting to see who should come forth and open the chapter of war. Then out rushed Sa’adan the Ghul and offered combat, whereupon there issued forth to him one of the champions of Hind; but Sa’adan scarce let him take stand in front ere he smote him with his mace and crushed his bones and stretched him on the ground; and so did he with a second and a third, till he had slain thirty fighting-men. Then there dashed out at him an Indian cavalier, by name Battásh al-Akrán,50 uncle to King Tarkanan and of his day the doughtiest man, reckoned worth five thousand horse in battle-plain and cried out to Sa’adan, saying, “O thief of the Arabs, hath thy daring reached that degree that thou shouldst slay the Kings of Hind and their champions and capture their horsemen? But this day is the last of thy worldly days.” When Sa’adan heard these words, his eyes waxed blood-red and he crave at Battash and aimed a stroke at him with his club; but he evaded it and the force of the blow bore Sa’adan to the ground; and before he could recover himself, the Indians pinioned him and haled him off to their tents. Now when Jamrkan saw his comrade a prisoner, he cried out, saying, “Ho for the Faith of Abraham the Friend!” and clapping heel to his horse, ran at Battash. They wheeled about awhile, till Battash charged Jamrkan and catching him by his jerkin51 tare him from his saddle and cast him to the ground; whereupon the Indians bound him and dragged him away to their tents. And Battash ceased not to overcome all who came out to him, Captain after Captain till he had made prisoners of four-and-twenty Chiefs of the Moslems, whereat the True Believers were sore dismayed. When Gharib saw what had befallen his braves, he drew from beneath his knee52 a mace of gold weighing six-score pounds which had belonged to Barkan King of the Jann—And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

47 Arab. “Zarráf” (whence our word) from “Zarf”=walking hastily: the old “cameleopard” which originated the nursery idea of its origin. It is one of the most timid of the antelope tribe and unfit for riding.

48 Arab. “Takht,” a useful word, meaning even a saddle. The usual term is “Haudaj”=the Anglo Indian “howdah.”

49 “Thunder–King,” Arab. and Persian.

50 i.e. “He who violently assaults his peers” (the best men of the age). Batshat al— Kubrá=the Great Disaster, is applied to the unhappy “Battle of Bedr” (Badr) on Ramazan 17, A.H. 2 (=Jan. 13, 624) when Mohammed was so nearly defeated that the Angels were obliged to assist him (Koran, chapts. iii. 11; i. 42; viii. 9). Mohammed is soundly rated by Christian writers for beheading two prisoners Utbah ibn Rabí‘a who had once spat on his face and Nazir ibn Háris who recited Persian romances and preferred them to the “foolish fables of the Koran.” What would our forefathers have done to a man who spat in the face of John Knox and openly preferred a French play to Pentateuch ?

51 Arab. “Jilbáb” either habergeon (mail-coat) or the buff-jacket worn under it.

52 A favourite way, rough and ready, of carrying light weapons, often alluded to in The Nights. So Khusrawán in Antar carried “under his thighs four small darts, each like a blazing flame.”

When it was the Six Hundred and Sixty-first Night,

She said, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when Gharib beheld what had befallen his braves he drew forth a golden mace which had belonged to Barkan King of the Jann and clapped heel to his sea horse, which bore him like the wind gust into mid-field. Then he let drive at Battash, crying out, “God is Most Great! He giveth aid and victory and He abaseth whoso reject the Faith of Abraham the Friend!” and smote him with the mace, whereupon he fell to the ground and Gharib, turning to the Moslems, saw his brother Sahim and said to him, “Pinion me this hound.” When Sahim heard his brother’s words, he ran to Battash and bound him hard and fast and bore him off, whilst the Moslem braves wondered who this knight could be and the Indians said one to other, “Who is this horseman which came out from among them and hath taken our Chief prisoner?” Meanwhile Gharib continued to offer battle and there issued forth to him a captain of the Hindis whom he felled to earth with his mace, and Kaylajan and Kurajan pinioned him and delivered him over to Sahim; nor did Gharib leave to do thus, till he had taken prisoner two-and-fifty of the doughtiest Captains of the army of Hind. Then the day came to an end and the kettle-drums beat the retreat; whereupon Gharib left the field and rode towards the Moslem camp. The first to meet him was Sahim, who kissed his feet in the stirrups and said, “May thy hand never wither, O champion of the age! Tell us who thou art among the braves.” So Gharib raised his vizor of mail and Sahim knew him and cried out, saying, “This is your King and your lord Gharib, who is come back from the land of the Jann!” When the Moslems heard Gharib ‘s name, they threw themselves off their horses’ backs, and, crowding about him, kissed his feet in the stirrups and saluted him, rejoicing in his safe return. Then they carried him into the city of Oman, where he entered his palace and sat down on the throne of his kingship, whilst his officers stood around him in the utmost joy. Food was set on and they ate, after which Gharib related to them all that had betided him with the Jinn in Mount Kaf, and they marvelled thereat with exceeding marvel and praised Allah for his safety. Then he dismissed them to their sleeping places; so they withdrew to their several lodgings, and when none abode with him but Kaylajan and Kurajan, who never left him, he said to them, “Can ye carry me to Cufa that I may take my pleasure in my Harim, and bring me back before the end of the night?” They replied, “O our lord, this thou askest is easy.” Now the distance between Cufa and Oman is sixty days’ journey for a diligent horseman, and Kaylajan said to Kurajan, “I will carry him going and thou coming back.” So he took up Gharib and flew off with him, in company with Kurajan; nor was an hour past before they set him down at the gate of his palace, in Cufa. He went in to his uncle Al-Damigh, who rose to him and saluted him; after which quoth Gharib, “How is it with my wives Fakhr Taj53 and Mahdiyah?” Al–Damigh answered, “They are both well and in good case.” Then the eunuch went in and acquainted the women of the Harim with Gharib’s coming, whereat they rejoiced and raised the trill of joy and gave him the reward for good news. Presently in came King Gharib, and they rose and saluting him, conversed with him, till Al-Damigh entered, when Gharib related to them all that had befallen him in the land of the Jinn, whereat they all marvelled. Then he lay with Fakhr Taj till near daybreak, when he took leave of his wives and his uncle and mounted Kurajan’s back, nor was the darkness dispelled before the two Marids set him down in the city of Oman. Then he and his men armed and he bade open the gates when, behold, up came a horseman from the host of the Indians, with Jamrkan and Sa’adan and the rest of the captive captains whom he had delivered, and committed them to Gharib. The Moslems, rejoicing in their safety, donned their mails and took horse, while the kettle-drums beat a point of war; and the Miscreants also drew up in line.—And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

53 Mr. Payne very reasonably supplants here and below Fakhr Taj (who in Night dcxxxiv is left in her father’s palace and who is reported to be dead in Night dclxvii.) by Star o’ Morn. But the former is also given in the Bul. Edit. (ii. 148), so the story teller must have forgotten all about her. I leave it as a model specimen of Eastern incuriousness.

When it was the Six Hundred and Sixty-second Night,

She continued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the Moslem host mounted and rode to the plain of cut and thrust, the first to open the door of war was King Gharib who, drawing his sword Al–Mahik, drove his charger between the two ranks and cried out, saying, “Whoso knoweth me hath enough of my mis chief and whoso unknoweth me, to him I will make myself known. I am Gharib, King of Al–Irak and Al–Yaman, brother of Ajib.” When Ra’ad Shah, son of the King of Hind, heard this, he shouted to his captains, “Bring me Ajib.” So they brought him and Ra’ad Shah said to him, “Thou wottest that this quarrel is thy quarrel and thou art the cause of all this slaughter. Now yonder standeth thy brother Gharib amiddle-most the fightfield and stead where sword and spear we shall wield; go thou to him and bring him to me a prisoner, that I may set him on a camel arsy-versy, and make a show of him and carry him to the land of Hind.” Answered Ajib, “O King, send out to him other than I, for I am in ill-health this morning.” But Ra’ad Shah sparked and snorted and cried, “By the virtue of the sparkling Fire and the light and the shade and the heat, unless thou fare forth to thy brother and bring him to me in haste, I will cut off thy head and make an end of thee.” So Ajib took heart and urging his horse up to his brother in mid-field, said to him, “O dog of the Arabs and vilest of all who hammer down tent pegs, wilt thou contend with Kings? Take what to thee cometh and receive the glad tidings of thy death.” When Gharib heard this, he said to him, “Who art thou among the Kings? And Ajib answered, saying, “I am thy brother, and this day is the last of thy worldly days.” Now when Gharib was assured that he was indeed his brother Ajib, he cried out and said, “Ho, to avenge my father and mother!” Then giving his sword to Kaylajan,54 he crave at Ajib and smote him with his mace a smashing blow and a swashing, that went nigh to beat in his ribs, and seizing him by the mail gorges tore him from the saddle and cast him to the ground; whereupon the two Marids pounced upon him and binding him fast, dragged him off dejected and abject; whilst Gharib rejoiced in the capture of his enemy and repeated these couplets of the poet,

“I have won my wish and my need have scored
Unto Thee be the praise and the thanks, O our
I grew up dejected and abject; poor,
But Allah vouchsafed me all boons implored:
I have conquered countries and mastered men
But for Thee were I naught, O thou Lord

When Ra’ad Shah saw how evilly Ajib fared with his brother, he called for his charger and donning his harness and habergeon, mounted and dashed out a field. As soon as he drew near King Gharib, he cried out at him, saying, “O basest of Arabs and bearer of scrubs,55 who art thou, that thou shouldest capture Kings and braves? Down from thy horse and put elbows behind back and kiss my feet and set my warriors free and go with me in bond of chains to my reign that I may pardon thee and make thee a Shayth in our own land, so mayst thou eat there a bittock of bread.” When Gharib heard these words he laughed till he fell backwards and answered, saying, “O mad hound and mangy wolf, soon shalt thou see against whom the shifts of Fortune will turn!” Then he cried out to Sahim, saying, “Bring me the prisoners; so he brought them, and Gharib smote off their heads whereupon Ra’ad Shah crave at him, with the driving of a lordly champion and the onslaught of a fierce slaughterer and they falsed and feinted and fought till nightfall, when the kettle-drums beat the retreat.—And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say.

54 There is some chivalry in his unwillingness to use the magical blade. As a rule the Knights of Romance utterly ignore fair play and take every dirty advantage in the magic line that comes to hand.

55 Arab. “Hammál al-Hatabi”=one who carries to market the fuel-sticks which he picks up m the waste. In the Koran (chaps. cxi.) it is applied to Umm Jamíl, wife of Mohammed’s hostile cousin, Abd al-Uzza, there termed Abú Lahab (Father of smokeless Flame) with the implied meaning that she will bear fuel to feed Hell-fire.

When it was the Six Hundred and Sixty-third Night,

She resumed, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that when the kettledrums beat the retreat, the two Kings parted and returned, each to his own place where his people gave him joy of his safety. And the Moslems said to Gharib, “ ’Tis not thy wont O King, to prolong a fight;” and he replied, “O folk, I have done battle with many royalties56 and champions; but never saw I a harder hitter than this one. Had I chosen to draw Al–Mahik upon him, I had mashed his bones and made an end of his days: but I delayed with him, thinking to take him prisoner and give him part enjoyment in Al–Islam.” Thus far concerning Gharib; but as regards Ra’ad Shah, he returned to his marquee and sat upon his throne, when his Chiefs came in to him and asked him of his adversary, and he answered, “By the truth of the sparkling Fire, never in my life saw I the like of yonder brave! But to-morrow I will take him prisoner and lead him away dejected and abject.” Then they slept till daybreak, when the battle-drums beat to fight and the swords in baldric were dight; and war-cries were cried amain and all mounted their horses of generous strain and drew out into the field, filling every wide place and hill and plain. The first to open the door of war was the rider outrageous and the lion rageous, King Gharib, who crave his steed between the two hosts and wheeled and careered over the field, crying, “Who is for fray, who is for fight? Let no sluggard come out to me this day nor dullard!” Before he had made an end of speaking, out rushed Ra’ad Shah, riding on an elephant, as he were a vast tower, in a eat girthed with silken bands; and between the elephant’s ears at the driver, bearing in hand a hook, wherewith he goaded the beast and directed him right and left. When the elephant drew near Gharib’s horse, and the steed saw a creature it had never before set eyes on, it took fright;57 wherefore Gharib dismounted and gave the horse to Kaylajan. Then he drew Al–Mahik and advanced to meet Ra’ad Shah a-foot, walking on till he faced the elephant. Now it was Ra’ad Shah’s wont, when he found himself overmatched by any brave, to mount an elephant, taking with him an implement called the lasso,58 which was in the shape of a net, wide at base and narrow at top with a running cord of silk passed through rings along its edges. With this he would attack horsemen and casting the meshes over them, draw the running noose and drag the rider off his horse and make him prisoner; and thus had he conquered many cavaliers. So, as Gharib came up to him, he raised his hand and, despreading the net over him, pulled him on to the back of the elephant and cried out to the beast to return to the Indian camp. But Kaylajan and Kurajan had not left Gharib and, when they beheld what had befallen their lord, they laid hold of the elephant, whilst Gharib strove with the net, till he rent it in sunder. Upon this the two Marids seized Ra’ad Shah and bound him with a cord of palm fibre. Then the two armies drove each at other and met with a shock like two seas crashing or two mountains together dashing, whilst the dust rose to the confines of the sky and blinded was every eye. The battle waxed fierce and fell, the blood ran in rills, nor did they cease to wage war with lunge of lance and sway of sword in lustiest way, till the day darkened and the night starkened, when the drums beat the retreat and the two hosts drew asunder.59 Now the Moslems were evilly entreated that day by reason of the riders on elephants and giraffes,60 and many of them were killed and most of the rest were wounded. This was grievous to Gharib who commanded the hurt to be medicined and turning to his Chief Officers, asked them what they counselled. Answered they, “O King, ’tis only the elephants and giraffes that irk us; were we but quit of them, we should overcome the enemy.” Quoth Kaylajan and Kurajan, “We twain will unsheath our swords and fall on them and slay the most part of them.” But there came forward a man of Oman, who had been privy counsellor to Jaland and said, “O King, I will be surety for the host, an thou wilt but hearken to me and follow my counsel.” Gharib turned to his Captains and said to them, “Whatsoever this wise man shall say to you that do.”—And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

56 Arab. “Akyál,” lit. whose word (Kaul) is obeyed, a title of the Himyarite Kings, of whom Al–Bergendi relates that one of them left an inscription at Samarcand, which many centuries ago no man could read. This evidently alludes to the dynasty which preceded the “Tobba” and to No. xxiv. Shamar Yar’ash (Shamar the Palsied). Some make him son of Malik surnamed Náshir al-Ni’am (Scatterer of Blessings) others of Afríkús (No. xviii.), who, according to Al–Jannabi, Ahmad bin Yusuf and Ibn Ibdun (Pocock, Spec. Hist. Arab.) founded the Berber (Barber) race, the remnants of the Causanites expelled by the “robber, Joshua son of Nún,” and became the eponymus of “Africa.” This word which, under the Romans, denoted a small province on the Northern Sea-board, is, I would suggest, A’far-Káhi (Afar-land), the Afar being now the Dankali race, the country of Osiris whom my learned friend, the late Mariette Pasha, derived from the Egyptian “Punt” identified by him with the Somali country. This would make “Africa,” as it ought to be, an Egyptian (Coptic) term.

57 Herodotus (i. 80) notes this concerning the camel. Elephants are not allowed to walk the streets in Anglo–Indian cities, where they have caused many accidents.

58 Arab. Wahk or Wahak, suggesting the Roman retiarius. But the lasso pure and simple, the favourite weapon of shepherd and herdsmen was well-known to the old Egyptians and in ancient India. It forms one of the T-letters in the hieroglyphs.

59 Compare with this and other Arab battle-pieces the Pandit’s description in the Kathá Sarit Sagara, e.g. “Then a confused battle arose with dint of arrow, javelin, lance, mace and axe, costing the lives of countless soldiers (N.B.— Millions are nothing to him); rivers of blood flowed with the bodies of elephants and horses for alligators, with the pearls from the heads of elephants for sands and with the heads of heroes for stones. That feast of battle delighted the flesh-loving demons who, drunk with blood instead of wine, were dancing with the palpitating trunks,” etc.. etc. Fasc. xii. 526.

60 The giraffe is here mal-placé: it is, I repeat, one of the most timid of the antelope tribe. Nothing can be more graceful than this huge game as it stands under a tree extending its long and slender neck to the foliage above it; but when in flight all the limbs seem loose and the head is carried almost on a level with the back.

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